Galloway proposed as Scotland’s Third National Park!

On the 22nd July Mairi Gougeon, Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs, Land Reform and Islands, announced that Galloway had been selected as the preferred site for the third National Park in Scotland. This announcement follows a bidding process where five areas put forward their case for being a National Park.

GNPA submitted a joint bid with Galloway and Southern Ayrshire UNESCO Biosphere supported by SOSE, SSDA and the three Councils.

During a visit to Shambellie House within the proposed new park, Rural Affairs Secretary Mairi Gougeon said:

“After carefully considering all of the nominations we received, I am very pleased that we are proposing to create a new National Park for Scotland in Galloway. The proposal is community led, has the backing of many local businesses, and makes a strong case on the benefits that national park status will bring for people who live in the area, for the local economy and for the environment.

“At this stage it is still a proposal. NatureScot will now lead a consultation with local people, communities, and businesses to gauge support and to look at specifics like the proposed boundary, and how it should take account of local circumstances and help to meet the needs of communities.

“We received nominations for new National Parks from some really special places – Lochaber, Loch Awe, Scottish Borders and Tay Forest. I would like to thank everyone who worked so hard on these proposals and all other communities who came together to explore the idea of a new National Park. The competition was extremely tough, and the bids have clearly shown the outstanding natural and cultural heritage we have in Scotland, as well as people’s ambitions for the rural communities they live in.”

Rural Affairs Secretary Mairi Gougeon announces the selection of Galloway for Scotland’s next National Park. Click on the image to watch the video.