The Bid for a new National Park from GNPA and the Galloway and Southern Ayrshire UNESCO Biosphere

In October 2023 Scottish Government set out the document to be completed by all areas submitting an expression of interest  for consideration as Scotland’s next National Park.

At the same time they set out the evaluation framework – how the submissions will be assessed by Scottish Government.

The submission document and evaluation framework  determines the content of the Galloway National Park submission.

There are seven sections, each of which has a word count and specific questions within it that need to be addressed. You can view the framework at

The submission also requires us to include an indicative boundary - shown below, or a larger version can be viewed here.

It is important to remember that these stages in process are an expression of interest. If Galloway is chosen by the Minister for a ‘Proposal to Designate’ this is the start of the process as set out in the National Park (Scotland) Act 2000. The Proposal to Designate will put forward a proposed boundary (or alternative boundaries) along with the proposed powers and governance model(s). We are expecting a decision from the Minister this summer.

The joint bid from GNPA and Galloway and Southern Ayrshire UNESCO Biosphere can viewed by following the links to each question.

  1. The area being nominated

  2. Why is the area of outstanding national importance?

  3. Why does the area warrant designation?

  4. How would designation help to meet the special needs of the area?

  5. How would designation support visitor management, sustainable tourism and access for all?

  6. How would designation bring wider benefits to Scotland and support national priorities?

  7. Evidence of local community engagement